Specialty Interior Design - Acoustical, Sound Absorbent, Light Illumination & Beauty are All Available with EIFS
We pride ourselves in our work, both past, present, and future. Executing some really unique design concepts, capturing the look a client has done nothing more than verbally describe. Whether it’s a design you have seen or something you have imagined, we can do it! From high-end office and retail wall designs to modern, Urban, and Metro interior concepts. Fine Italian plasters, to all American and Spanish Stuccos/Plasters and textures. Conference Room designs, waiting rooms, bathrooms, Information Stations, and many more.
Accent walls are designed to capture the gaze of impending clients, guests, and the general public. Company logos inset in fine plaster, E.I.F.S. (Exterior insulation finishing system), and stucco designs. Specialty wall panels, light guards, directional light control, design visibility increasing, emphasis control and management as well as sound and noise control systems can all be incorporated into a wall that really stands out in interior appeal and design concept.
Specialty Ceilings, Acoustical, sound absorbent, light illumination, and general beauty are all attainable in EIFS, Stucco, and fine plaster, designed and directed at your specific request, achieving the end result you were looking for. Venetian Plaster, Fina Italian Plaster, Skip-Trowel, slick-trowel, and extensively troweled nearly glass finishes are available. Interior plaster and real Venetian Plaster is a difficult process to both mix and apply. Modern Venetian Pre-mixed products are a fraction of the quality seen in old-world true Venetian Plasters, and these newer “everyone” can apply plasters NEVER reach the luster and slick finish surface seen in traditional Venetian Applications. A true Venetian Wall as defined by old world specifications is achieved through several passes of an experienced trowel, utilizing extensive pressure and very specific timing procedures. Newer pre-mixed Venetian seen in 80% of applications today produces a soft, rough, textured surface, a complete 360 turnaround from what real Venetian Plaster was historically. Only a true tradesman will know the difference and be able to produce the real deal.
True Venetian Verses Modern
The image to the lower left is what 90% of interior design and decorators are calling Venetian Plaster. As this Image shows it’s a Rough and soft finish. These products look more like traditional Stucco than anything truly Venetian. The Image in the lower right shows true, hand-troweled (By a Skilled Plasterer) Venetian Plaster, the surface is solid and looks as if it’s a layer of colored glass. A True Venetian Plaster finish is achieved by many passes of a skilled trowel, sometimes up to 10, further compressing the Gypsum/Lime Particulate matter into a more solid and uniform surface. True Venetian is a much more durable wall, and the differences are obvious.

Contact or Call Us (765) 341-6020 for a FREE ESTIMATE!