Property Managers Get EIFS Stucco Wall Systems

Built around the very specific needs of property management firms, it’s the bulk of our work, and we have systematically adapted to every single aspect of issues faced by those in the property management field. We have expanded to include trades to offer a more complete repair, offering up packaged pricing, singular invoicing on multiple levels of repair, encapsulating every portion of the repair including E.I.F.S. (Exterior insulation finishing system), painting, caulking, trim, and gutter/scupper work, power washing, post lease sign-age removal, as well as other aspects needed to make the difficult job of producing a repair package, and presenting/submitting it in an affordable approach, with a steady assurance, and a solid piece of mind.

In these situations, we take a slightly different approach than our competitors. We will not re-face the entire wall if we can get away from it, and deliver you a presentable wall. In many of these situations, the property management company pays too much, simply because they have limited choice of prospective contractors, and often end up using a very large contractor with much overhead, to execute a very small project, leaving the property manager paying twice and sometimes three times what we would charge to perform the work.

We are always looking to develop new ongoing business relationships with property managers, who often have a steady, constant stream of work. We are fully aware of the sensitive situations with blocking access to units, as well as the extra safety hazards involved when working in a functioning public area. We go out of our way to keep a very clean site, as well as, expect the unexpected, and take steps to prevent possible hazards, as needed in any public area.

We will inspect, and recommend, the most cost-effective approach to your needs every time, with no exceptions. We recognize, and accept, that only through fair, and honest pricing, (that includes deducts where they apply), and fast, quality work, in a clean fashion, with little to no public/tenant disturbance, will we develop an ongoing stream of work through your property management firm.

With ALL malls, Shopping centers, and other large retail structures in and around Indianapolis, we will inspect the site, estimate, and submit pricing/contract the next day every time. And we have a three-day turnaround on estimates in Ky, Tenn, Oh, MI, ILL, and PA. We are always willing to schedule around your needs and have a no-limit 24/7 policy on active retail space. We offer multiple projects packaged pricing, as well as long-term special pricing, for larger property firms with a constant stream of sign-age flat repair.

We are the leader in Property management repair to EIFS/Stucco wall systems, and we are quickly growing and adding to our customer base daily, this enables us to offer a service and pricing package that simply cannot, and will not, be beat on any repair in any of the seven states in which we serve. We have saved property firms ten’s of thousands of dollars in yearly repair budgets. With the recent flux in the economy causing a serious increase in tenants moving out and or relocating into smaller, more affordable spaces, repair budgets are increasing with overall lease allocation reaching all-time lows.

In many cases, Indiana Wall Systems can perform the extra increase in repairs while remaining within the limits of last year’s budget. We recognize the financial recourse faced by property firms, and we have aided many in achieving the impossible task of regaining appealing commercial units in a budget that fits the age of our economy.

Contact or Call Us (765) 341-6020 for a FREE ESTIMATE!